Organic-Fair Farming HAND IN HAND-Partner

HAND IN HAND – Conacado / Dominican Republic

In the tropical lowlands of the Dominican Republic the members of the small farmers´ cooperative CONACADO grow the cocoa that is used to manufacture Rapunzel chocolate and other Rapunzel cocoa products.

About 9,000 farmers, all members of the cooperative, farm according to organic standards. The farmers are organized in sub-groups, so-called “bloques”, with about 400 – 3,500 farmers each. The “bloques” have their own administration and every “bloque” buys cocoa directly from the farmer.

Cocoa farmers from the peasant cooperative Conacado
Cocoa farmers from the peasant cooperative Conacado

Hand in Hand Logo
Kaffee Grafik

HAND IN HAND products

Cultivation, processing and export

members of the cooperative Conacado

Cultivating and processing of organic cocoa

As young cocoa plants need shade in order to grow well, they are planted under shade trees. The family farmers and the workers take special care of the trees, keep the plantations clean and harvest the fruits. Each “bloque” has its own agricultural technician advising the farmers in cultivation.

The cocoa fruits are harvested when they have turned yellow to dark-red. The bean-shaped seeds are removed from the fresh fruits. Together with the sweet-flavored, white pulp – the flesh of the fruit – the seeds are fermented.
The cocoa beans are being fermented in these boxes.

Fermentation and further processing

During the fermentation* the chemical and physical structure of the cocoa beans is changing and the cocoa develops its typical color and flavour. A roasting step is needed to fully unfold the flavor.

After having been dried under the tropical sun, the handpicked cocoa is packed in bags and stored until it is shipped to Europe. The beans are roasted by a European cocoa processor in order to produce cocoa powder and cocoa butter.

* Treatment by which a substance is stored at warm temperatures throughout a certain period, whereby micro organisms and enzymes (ferments) cause chemical alterations (particularly in use for the refinement of luxury foodstuffs, such as tea, tobacco, coffee, cocoa) – Cited from: Bertelsmann
drying of the cocoa beans

HAND IN HAND with the farmers of Conacado

As Conacado is a grass-roots democratic cooperative, farmers have a say in all decisions of the cooperative including the election of the representatives.

Recipes with cocoa butter or cocoa powder

Moist Chocolate Cake
Moist Chocolate Cake

Tsampaballs with cranberries
Tsampaballs with cranberries

Vegan pears chocolate cake
Vegan pears chocolate cake

Protein smoothie with hemp seeds and cocoa
Protein smoothie with hemp seeds and cocoa


Fruity crunchy Chocolate Bars
Fruity crunchy Chocolate Bars

Russian chocolate cheesecake, vegan
Russian chocolate cheesecake, vegan

Quinoa Cocoa Butter Bars
Quinoa Cocoa Butter Bars

Rapunzel Naturkost GmbH & Co. KG
Rapunzelstraße 1, D - 87764 Legau
Telefon: +49 (0) 8330 / 529 - 0
Telefax: +49 (0) 8330 / 529 - 1188
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Rapunzel Naturkost GmbH & Co. KG
Rapunzelstraße 1, D - 87764 Legau
Telefon: +49 (0) 8330 / 529 - 0
Telefax: +49 (0) 8330 / 529 - 1188