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Rapunzel Naturkost: Organics with Love

"Organics with love" – this statement is not just an advertising slogan that is printed on the labels of Rapunzel products and is used in our booklets but it signifies our leading principle and our company motto. This simple, short slogan expresses our deeply-felt conviction that there is more to the production of healthy, environmentally and socially-sound foods than controlled organic cultivation.

“Organics with love” articulates our belief that foods that are healthy and holistic in an ethereal sense can only be cultivated, produced and processed by healthy, happy people. 
Company portrait complete
A glimpse into the Rapunzel world
Only people who do well themselves, who do not have to fight for daily survival can muster the necessary diligence and affection that is needed for the production of healthy foodstuffs - food that does not only fill one’s stomach but that is beneficial to one’s well-being.

For that reason we consider the welfare of all those people who participate in the making of a food product. Starting with the farmers who stand at the beginning of the value chain, the employees who work for our suppliers and all the way to the Rapunzel staff that is responsible for the processing, packaging, storage and logistics of our food products.
The underlying base for all this are fair and adequate prices that Rapunzel pays and that create adequate value at all levels. Frequent visits to our farmers and upstream suppliers – including those who are no HAND IN HAND partners – provide us insights into local conditions and help to establish authentic social contacts.

The notion that we, the people who represent Rapunzel, love and appreciate the Rapunzel products that we manufacture is the most important prerequisite for our daily work. We would be happy if you can taste this and in consequence can feel it in your personal health and well-being.

Rapunzel at a glance


Company Portrait

Rapunzel is one of the leading organic food producers in Europe...


Vision und Firmenphilosophie

Vision and Corporate Philosophy

What we live and try to achieve everyday...


Geschäftsbereiche / Vertriebswege

Divisions/ Distribution Channels

As decribed in our company goals, Rapunzel understands itself as "brand distributor with our own marketing and sales capabilities". 


Nachhaltigkeit und Umwelt

Sustainability and Ecology

Rapunzel Naturkost is one of the leading organic food producers in Europe...


Rapunzel's commitment beyond the products

In addition to working in specific projects Rapunzel also commits itself in the political field, for example for fair farming and trade conditions or for a GMO-free future. Moreover, Rapunzel organizes a diverse program with lectures and events in culture, nutrition and ecology.  

Rapunzel's ideals and goals have remained the same for more than 40 years - only the dimensions have become bigger. Today, Rapunzel summarizes its company philosophy with the slogan "Organics with love". 

Dekoratives Bild
Fair trade and organic farming are central for Rapunzel

Foreign Distributors

We distribute our products around the world - our local partners are happy to help you.

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