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About Rapunzel

Sustainability at Rapunzel: deeply rooted since 1974

Ecological, economic, social & political activities of the organic pioneer

Environmental protection and sustainable actions were already important to the company's founders Joseph Wilhelm and Jennifer Vermeulen when they established the company in 1974. The natural food manufacturer Rapunzel has always set its own ecological standards.

At the same time, we are certified according to the EMAS environmental management system, report in our Sustainability Report according to the international GRI standards (option "Core") and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of the United Nations.

Rapunzel & Sustainability

We know that we only have this one world. This means that we have the highest responsibility to manage our earth in such a way that it remains livable for future generations. On the way there, organic farming occupies the key position for us. After all, no other agricultural method provides humankind with a truly sustainable supply of food.

Organic farming and fair trade go HAND IN HAND at Rapunzel – this is also the name of our fair trade program of the same name. This program follows the basic conviction that ecological sustainability always needs economic and social sustainability as well. In addition to the program, we support eco-social projects in the global South with the HAND IN HAND donation to the RAPUNZEL One World Organic Foundation (previously HAND IN HAND fund). 
In addition to organic and fair cultivation, Rapunzel is committed worldwide e.g. to organic seed breeding and a world without genetic engineering. With the One World Award, we honor initiatives and courageous people who make the world a little bit better, and with events and, in the future, our visitor center, we inspire people about organic food and a fair world. And thanks to our commitment with respect to packaging, energy supply and logistics, we do not consume more than is absolutely necessary.

Sustainability Report 2021

Rapunzel sustainability report 2021
What Rapunzel understands by the term sustainability is explained in our comprehensive Rapunzel Sustainability Report. 

In the report, you can learn more about the solar panels on all Rapunzel roofs, about environmentally friendly packaging, the positive effects of organic farming on biodiversity, our eco-social commitment, and much more.

Browse through the Sustainability Report online
CSR Policy PDF (1.9 MB)

Aspects of sustainability

Sustainability has many faces, and our responsibility as a company extends far and wide. Therefore, we are just as committed to our employees as we are to our suppliers, and we strengthen organic cultivation worldwide through our own cultivation projects as we do through donations, for example, to the domestic mountain forest. We do not only equip our company premises with solar modules, but we also support a solar project in the rainforest with our HAND IN HAND fund, for example.
faires & soziales Engagement weltweit
faires & soziales Engagement weltweit

Fair & social activities worlwide

For us, sustainability in its full significance does not just mean avoiding emissions or saving energy. Social sustainability and issues such as the fight against poverty, decent work conditions and much more are also crucial for a just world worth living in.

With consistent organic cultivation from the beginning, fair trade and social standards, as well as the promotion of eco-social projects worldwide, we engage ourselves comprehensively.

to the chapter in the Sustainability Report
more about organic and fair cultivation
faires & soziales Engagement im Allgäu
faires & soziales Engagement im Allgäu

Fair & social activities in the Allgäu

The idea of a healthy, organic lifestyle and the vision of a humane and just world - unites the employees of Rapunzel Naturkost and is deeply rooted in our company philosophy. Our interest in organic farming and in sustainable management is a key reason for the strong team spirit among the "Rapunzels".

More organic also needs more people: Rapunzel regularly receives awards as a training company.

to the chapter in the Sustainability Report
working at Rapunzel
Ökologischer Landbau & Biodiversität
Ökologischer Landbau & Biodiversität

Organic agriculture & biodiversity

Our goal is to produce healthy, top-quality food products without any chemical contamination. In doing so, our focus is on the careful treatment of nature, soil fertility and closed nutrient cycles. We do not use chemical and synthetic pesticides and fertilizers nor genetically modified seeds. This protects drinking water, soil and climate and contributes to the preservation of biodiversity. In addition, Rapunzel actively promotes organic farming and organic seed breeding worldwide and we oppose genetic engineering and agricultural poisons.

to the chapter in the Sustainability Report
more about organic farming
Product quality Rapunzel
Product quality Rapunzel

Food quality

Product quality is the top priority for the natural food manufacturer Rapunzel. Quality assurance therefore has a key position in the company.
The most important building blocks for Rapunzel quality are thorough inspection of the incoming goods, sampling and analyses as well as improvement and monitoring of the manufacturing processes.

We are in constant, intensive contact with our suppliers, who get advised by our agricultural engineers. Our professional networking and association work aims at further promoting and developing the organic sector. 

to the chapter in the Sustainability Report
more about organic quality
Umwelt & Energie
Umwelt & Energie

Ecology & energy

For Rapunzel, the cultivation and sustainable production of organic food also includes the careful use of energy and natural resources.

Thus, Rapunzel obtains 100 percent of its electric power from renewable sources and has installed solar modules on all roof surfaces. We are 100 percent independent of petroleum and instead rely on our own combined heat and power plants, which are fed with wood waste. The topics of green logistics and sustainable packaging solutions are also very important for us. 

to the chapter in the Sustainability Report
more about environmental management
Kultur & Politik bei Rapunzel
Kultur & Politik bei Rapunzel

Culture & politics

Right from the very beginning, as an organic pioneer, Rapunzel has been committed to a healthy lifestyle and a fair world. In addition to its own project work for organic cultivation and fair supplier management, Rapunzel is also involved socially, culturally and politically - both around the company premises in the Allgäu and also worldwide.

With our new visitor center, we want to make "organic" more tangible and learn, work, eat, celebrate together with our guests.

to the chapter in the Sustainability Report
more about the Rapunzel visitor center

Dekoratives Bild
Fair trade and organic farming are central for Rapunzel

Foreign Distributors

We distribute our products around the world - our local partners are happy to help you.

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