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Organic-Fair Farming HAND IN HAND-Partner

HAND IN HAND – Assukkar/ Costa Rica

The Ortuño family operates the ASSUKKAR sugar cane plantation in Costa Rica. For many years, the Ortuños have supported their workers by paying substantially higher wages than other sugar cane producers in the region. Additional social benefits are a medical care system for the workers and their families and the financial support of schoolchildren.
Rafael works for Assukkar
Rafael works for Assukkar
Rafael works for Assukkar

The special cultivation of organic sugar cane

Sugar cane
Sugar cane
Sugar cane
Sugar cane delivery in Assukar
Sugar cane delivery in Assukar
Sugar cane delivery in Assukar
Sugar cane pressing
Sugar cane pressing
Sugar cane pressing

Improving soil fertility 

Organic sugar cane is grown in crop rotation with beans, fallow land or greenland. Generally, the sugar cane stays on the field for around 7 years. The integration of green manure and livestock manure allows for a better nutrient cycling in the soil and improves both soil fertility and the health of the sugar cane plant.

Sugar cane harvest

The harvest time depends on the sugar content and the degree of plant maturity. Here, in Assukar, the two meter tall sugar cane plants are cut by hand rather than being burned down as is the case in conventional sugar cane cultivation. The stalks are cut directly above soil level and just below the sugarless leaves. The leaves are mulched on the field and serve as protection against soil erosion and as green manure.

This harvest procedure regenerates the soil and protects animals and the environment. The stalk stubbles sprout again and after 12 months the next harvest can be brought in.

Gentle processing

Sugar cane is pressed and the resulting sugar cane juice (a popular cold drink) gets concentrated through evaporation. The concentrated juice is stirred until the mass crystallizes. In the end, the crystals are ground to sugar. The entire processing is very gentle so that the valuable sugar cane minerals are preserved.

Recipes with Rapadura whole cane sugar

Sweet crepes
Sweet crepes

Coffee Crumble Cake with Hazelnuts and Chocolate
Coffee Crumble Cake with Hazelnuts and Chocolate

Ginger Cookies with Cane Sugar Molasses
Ginger Cookies with Cane Sugar Molasses

Samba tonka pudding
Samba tonka pudding

Mirabelle chutney with bay leaf
Mirabelle chutney with bay leaf

Roasted Pumpkin Soup with Coconut Cream
Roasted Pumpkin Soup with Coconut Cream

Up-Side Down Plum Cake
Up-Side Down Plum Cake

Pumpkin Soup with Sweet Potatoes and Coconut Cream
Pumpkin Soup with Sweet Potatoes and Coconut Cream

Brazil nut cake with apricots
Brazil nut cake with apricots

Carob Pudding
Carob Pudding

Maize semolina mash with almond oil and blueberries
Maize semolina mash with almond oil and blueberries

Almond Tiramisu
Almond Tiramisu


Fair trade and organic farming are central for Rapunzel

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