Rapunzel Products Muesli and Porridge

Colorful cereal power for do-it-yourself enthusiasts

Original Rapunzel muesli flakes now also available as pure flakes
Pure cereal flakes are the perfect basic ingredient for all those who want to mix their own muesli or who want to bake and cook with flakes. Flakes are real allrounders, they taste great, are versatile and can be used quickly. And what's best: they are valuable energy and nutrient suppliers. Rapunzel flakes are available in different varieties, in best organic quality and are produced exclusively by German organic farmers.
Special facts about Rapiunzel flakes:
  • perfect for do-it-yourself lovers
  • from German cereal farmers
  • 100% whole grain
  • versatile & easy to use
  • available in practical 750g bags
  • colorful good-mood design

Origin, cultivation and flakes manufacturing 

Biodiversity and soil health: Rapunzel flakes are made from whole grain cereals that are produced by organic farmers from Germany. The farmers create valuable habitats for numerous species through multiannual crop rotation on small plots with flower strips, fallow land and hedges.

Flakes are very healthy: cereal products are important energy and nutrient sources. Whole grain flakes are especially valuable because their nutrient content is higher than non-wholemeal. Cereal flakes are made from the entire grain; thus they are always 100% whole grain. They are an underestimated source of vegetable protein and are rich in fibers. They provide valuable vitamins, especially from the B group as well as minerals like iron, magnesium and zinc. They also contain complex carbohydrates that keep saturated for a long time, provide energy and keep the blood sugar level stable.

Flakes production: The whole cereal grain is gently steamed and rolled out into flakes. For the production of small oat and spelt flakes, the cereal grains are crushed prior to steaming.

Flake diversity in different varieties

Rapunzel flakes are available in different varieties: next to classic oat flakes, you can also  try out and mix with spelt, buckwheat and rye flakes for a welcome change. With their colorful package design, they are real eye-catchers on the store shelf and will also raise your spirit at home.

Oat flakes

  • available as bis and small leaf flakes
  • typical nutty, mild taste
  • valuable source of protein
  • rich in fibers
  • very popular

Spelt flakes

  • fine nutty taste
  • available as big-leaf and small-leaf flakes
  • robust, primeval cereal
  • valuable source of protein
  • rich in fibers

Buckwheat flakes

  • small, delicate flakes
  • belongs to the pseudo-grains
  • strong, nutty taste
  • trendy cereal available as flakes

4-grain flakes

  • balanced flavor
  • contains each 25% oat, spelt, rye and barley flakes
  • big & crunchy
  • valuable protein source
  • rich in fibers

Rapunzel flake products

Oats, big leaf
Oats, big leaf
Oats, small leaf
Oats, small leaf
Spelt flakes wholemeal big leaf
Spelt flakes wholemeal big leaf
Spelt flakes wholemeal small leaf
Spelt flakes wholemeal small leaf
4 grain flakes wholemeal
4 grain flakes wholemeal
Buckwheat flakes wholemeal
Buckwheat flakes wholemeal

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Product Knowledge: Muesli & Porridge
Product Knowledge: Muesli & Porridge
Porridge – starts the day
Porridge – starts the day
Rapunzelstraße 1, D - 87764 Legau
Telefon: +49 (0) 8330 / 529 - 0
Telefax: +49 (0) 8330 / 529 - 1188
E-Mail: info@rapunzel.de
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Rapunzelstraße 1, D - 87764 Legau
Telefon: +49 (0) 8330 / 529 - 0
Telefax: +49 (0) 8330 / 529 - 1188
E-Mail: info@rapunzel.de