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Organic-Fair Farming HAND IN HAND-donation HAND IN HAND-FUND Overview

HAND IN HAND FUND – funded projects 2004

Update: Since 2022, Rapunzel donates the HAND IN HAND donation (previously HAND IN HAND Fund) to the RAPUNZEL One World Organic Foundation.

In 2004, we sponsored 11 projects with a total sum of 42,000 Eur in the countries of origin of our HAND IN HAND raw materials. 

With the Christmas donation of 10,000 EUR we supported two projects with 5,000 EUR each. One 5,000 EUR donation went to the Dhamma Vijaya Community Development Foundation in Sri Lanka. The donation was used for a kindergarden and a daycare center in the vicinity of the cocoa mill that supplies cocoa chips to Rapunzel. 

The other 5,000 EUR donation was used to support a pilot project for the construction of a solar-powered medicine cooling system in an Ethiopian health station. 

The donations went to the following projects:

Funded projects 2004

Project Country Description Funding amount
Hekima Girl’s Secondary School Tanzania Construction of a classroom for the daughters of our coffee growers 2,000 EUR
Association des Veuves et Orphelins
du Houet
Burkina Faso Provision of a small loan program for members of the association 5,000 EUR
Dhamma Vijaya Community Development Foundation Sri Lanka Construction of a daycare center and a youth training center in the village of our coconut farmers 5,000 EUR
BUND-Berlin und RE-NEXT China Support for a water treatment project 2,500 EUR
Foundation for Ornithology and the Protection of Species Philippines Rainforest protection through the promotion of alternative local land use 2,500 EUR
Centro Cultural Ayopayamanta Bolivia Development of organic farming and environmental protection systems 5,000 EUR
Trees for People  Bolivia Extension of a tree nursery and planting of 8,000 trees  2,500 EUR
Solar Energy Foundation Inc Ethiopia Construction of a health station with solar-powered cooling system 5,000 EUR
Patuca e. V. Honduras Construction of elementary schools in the rainforest 5,000 EUR
Centre Int. De Coop. Developement Agricole Brazil Support for small-scale entrepreneuers through the construction of a processing plant 5,000 EUR
Association SERACOM Burkina Faso Construction of storage houses for organic products in five villages 2,500 EUR

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Fair trade and organic farming are central for Rapunzel

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