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Let's stick together!

Delays in order shipping due to limited delivery capacity

We hope that you and your family are well. Solidarity is the slogan of the hour. Hence we are asking you: show that you care and buy only what you really need. More supplies are on the way. 

We at Rapunzel get motivated these days by a slogan that can be found on the packaging of our Original Muesli since 1977 and that is more relevant today than ever: 


„Let's stick together! If everybody wants a special treatment it will only benefit the enemy, that's why you should stick together!

In the figurative sense, this saying means: if everyone only thinks of himself, it will not contribute to the common good. Therefore, it is better to show solidarity! At this point, we would like to thank you for your patience and your loyalty.

And since solidarity also requires an honest exchange of information, we would like to take this opportunity and inform you about the current situation at Rapunzel and the reasons for our limited delivery capacity that date back to the fall of 2019. 
  • Currently, orders leave our webshop with a delay of at least one week
  • The order shipping to the specialist trade is delayed. 
  • In addition, we decided to reduce all ordered amounts so that the merchandise can be more evenly distributed and that everybody gets something.  

Therefore, we kindly ask you again:
Show that you care and buy only the products that you really need.

Reasons for Rapunzel's limited delivery capacity

Development of the demand since the fall 2019


Already since last fall, the natural health food specialist trade registered many new customers and above average, gowing sales. Rapunzel put in extra shifts and we were able to react to this desirable development for the most part. The existing reserve stocks, however, were partially used up by this increased demand.  

Procurement in the times of Corona since the beginning of March

Since early March, panic buying of rice, pasta, canned legumes or tomato products made these articles extremely popular from one day to the next. We were not prepared for this. Especially our Italian partners who supply us with most of these products, do their best in order to meet this growing demand. At the same time, the domestic demand for these products in Italy also increased dramatically, because Italy declared a “Corona state of emergency”.

Direct & personal supplier relationships

As a food manufacturer, Rapunzel imports almost all raw materials from the relevant country of origin. We do not purchase any raw materials on spot markets or the commodity market. Direct procurement has long-term advantages for all involved partners. Unforeseeable extraordinary circumstances, however, make it more difficult to react in a flexible and swift manner. At the same time, the long-term, cooperative relationships with our suppliers enable us to keep up our high organic standard also in times like these.

Global supply chains – South America, Asia and Africa

Additional problems are caused by the logistics structures in different parts of the world. In many developing countries, the supply chains work less efficiently than in Europe even in normal times. At the moment, commercial ports work slower or are shut down completely. Transport routes and official export processes require more time or have come to a complete halt. Making use of our existing, cooperative partnerships with our suppliers we are trying to buy as many raw materials as possible through the pre-financing of harvests or through pre-payments to our partners.

Packaging materials

This aspect is easily overlooked: the procurement of additional packaging materials requires thorough advance planning. Oftentimes, one needs a timeframe of three to four months for this. In case of additional high demand as we are experiencing at the moment, there will be delays in the availability of packaging materials.


At the moment, our logistics sector is overworked and the logistics department has reached the limits of its capacity – another delivery warehouse is already under construction. Colleagues from different Rapunzel departments are already helping with order packaging and extra shifts help to gain time. 
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You can see that many factors affect our normal service. We ask for your understanding and your patience in case of delays and order cancellation. Please be assured: we try our best to deal with this difficult situation! 

Together we will overcome these turbulent times. Coming together now will give us a special warmth even without physical contact. Stay healthy! 

Your Rapunzel Team
+49 (0) 8330 / 529 – 1240


Dekoratives Bild
Fair trade and organic farming are central for Rapunzel

Foreign Distributors

We distribute our products around the world - our local partners are happy to help you.

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