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Baked eggplant with tahini cream and chia and sesame seeds


Preheat oven to 390 °F (200°C). Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

Lay eggplants out on baking tray and sprinkle the cut halves with olive oil. Bake in the oven for 25 minutes.

In a small baking pan toast chia and sesame seeds for 2-3 minutes. Mix tahini, olive oil, coconut blossom syrup and vinegar in a small bowl together. Add yeast flakes and salt and mix again. Spread tahini paste on the cut eggplants and sprinkle with chia and sesame seeds.

If available, roast for a couple of minutes on a grill for extra flavor. Serve hot with quinoa or buck wheat as side dishes.


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