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About Rapunzel
Company Portrait
Organic manufacturer
Introducing the next generation of Rapunzel
Vision and Corporate Philosophy
Company History
40 years Rapunzel - 40 years organic movement
Visitor Center
Fairy tale wedding: Zwergenwiese and Rapunzel
One World Award
One World Festival
One World Festival Review
Pictures of the festival
50 years
Dealer Market & Suppliers
How to get there
Organic-Fair Farming
Real organic
Turkey Project
Partners and products
Processing in Ören
Impressions & Reports
HAND IN HAND-Fair-Trade-Program
HAND IN HAND fair trade
HAND IN HAND criteria
HAND IN HAND-donation
Exemplary Projects in Details
Hekima, a Success Story
A School for the Future of Africa
Organic Partner
Organic quality since 1974
Quality control
Our claim
Special Rapunzel quality
Organic cultivation
Agropoisons? No thanks!
Fair organic palm oil
Rapunzel among the forerunners for sustainable palm oil
Palm oil: pros and cons
Important questions and answers
Mauro Rosso
Demeter partner
Information on GMO
Rapunzel Products
NEW organic products
Antipasti & spice pastes
Baking ingredients
Grains and grain products
bioSnacky sprouts equipment
Coffee, cocoa and instant beverages
Nibbles and snacks
Muesli and Porridge
Noodles and Pasta
Oils, fat and vinegar
Tomato products and sauces
Dried fruits
Wine and Prosecco
Seasoning, salts, soups, spices
Demeter products
Allergens, Vegan and Raw
New Recipes
Instagram Recipes
Veggie 4 Kids
Natural cosmetics
Main Dishes
Do it yourself ice-cream
Cake and Pastries
Delicious for on the Road
Snacks and Nibbles
Rapunzel Partners
One World Festival
One World Festival
Celebrating 50 years of Rapunzel together!
A colourful program of exciting live talks, podcasts, cooking shows and much more awaits you at the Rapunzel One World Festival. Children of all ages will also get their money's worth: The historic chain carousel, craft activities, games and theatre, as well as the children's band Jamuk all come together to create the perfect setting. And when the stalls close in the evening, the fun is set to continue, with music and dancing.
Here you can find the timetable for your festival planning:
Timetable Saturday Rapunzel Eine Welt Festival
Timetable Sunday Rapunzel Eine Welt Festival
Download Timetable Rapunzel Eine Welt Festival (4 MB)
Our Speakers
You can expect high-calibre presentations and panel discussions on the topics of food, fair trade and agriculture of the future. On stage you can expect, among others: Helmy Abouleish (practices an "economy of love" with SEKEM in the desert, with more than 2,000 employees), Gero Leson (organic, fair palm oil | Dr, Bronner's) and the agricultural pioneer, Sepp Braun, (organic pioneer, also known as "The farmer with the earthworms" from the documentary film of the same name).
Helmy Abouleish
Managing Director of the SEKEM Initiative in Egypt
Raphaela Baur
Acker e.V.
Sepp Braun
Organic Agroforestry Pioneer and Board Member of 'die Bioland Stiftung'
Matthias Fiedler
Fair Trade Forum
Hansi Kienle
Coach & Personal Trainer
Dr. Gero Leson
Dr. Bronner's
Dr. Franz Milz
Physician & Psychotherapist
Safianu Moro
Managing Director Serendipalm
Sonali Pandithasekera
Managing Director Serendipol
Lydia Reimann
Stiftung KulturLandschaft Günztal
Nadine Schlaich
Rapunzel Naturkost
Stephanie Schuster
Best-Selling Author
Jochen Walz
Management Board Zwergenwiese
Amadeus Zschunke
Managing Director Sativa Rheinau AG
50 Years of Rapunzel Talks
Rapunzel Naturkost is one of the pioneers of fairly produced organic food. How did this come about? Get ready for the answers from founder Joseph Wilhelm himself. In a talk with his son-in-law Daniel Munding, he talks about the background and beginnings of 50 years of Rapunzel history. The new management team knows what the future holds for Rapunzel. Old habits be damned! Margit Epple dares to continue writing the story of Rapunzel together with the new generation – with Rosalie Dorn and Leonhard and Seraphine Wilhelm, moderated by Rapunzel employee Boris Weltermann.
Joseph Wilhelm
Founder of Rapunzel Naturkost
Leonhard Wilhelm, Seraphine Wilhelm, Rosalie Dorn, Margit Epple
Live podcasts at the Rapunzel One World Festival
If organic is the cake, then this podcast is the icing on the cake - or the cherry on top. This podcast is called
“Irgendwas mit Bio (something with organics) – The BioMarkt Podcast”
and comes directly from the magic bag of the BioMarkt association. Every second Wednesday, everything revolves around the topic of organic - and that's by no means a small topic. From cow dung to tofu mince, from waste separation to avocado: They don't beat about the bush. Franziska Heinrich (Editor/ Corporate Communications BioMarkt) is the host. Be there when Franziska talks live on stage with our guests at the Rapunzel One World Festival on topics such as "Birkenstocks, dreadlocks and joints - are organic clichés true?", "Is palm oil always bad?" or "How fair is organic?".
Franziska Heinrich
Host of the Podcast
Jennifer Vermeulen & Justina Wilhelm
Rapunzel Naturkost
Jan Plagge
Präsident Bioland e.V. and IFOAM Organics Europe
Annika Glaser
Manager Partnerships, Regional Partners, Network & Policy at Acker e. V.
Dr. Gero Leson
Dr Bronner's Vice President of Special Operations
Petra Boie
Board Member Bingenheimer Saatgut AG
Barbara Altmann
Head Sustainable Supply Chain Management at Rapunzel Naturkost
Cookery Shows & Culinary Delights
No festival is complete without cookery shows: Among others, we are looking forward to the well-known show and TV chef, Alfred Fahr, as well as the author of "Vegan fürs Klima", Natalie Reichelt. Discover healthy and trend-setting cuisine and look forward to great recipes with valuable cooking tips.
Alfred Fahr
Top Organic Chef
Nina Meyer
Top Organic Chef
Natalie Reichelt
Cookery Book Author
Selina Steinhauser
Ayurveda cook
Giovanni Girolomoni
Manufacturer of Rapunzel Pasta
Music & Dance
When the stalls close in the evening, the music and dancing continues: Join Jamaram (meets Jahcoustix), among others, in the fight against club and festival death, dating on mobile phones and couch potatoes. Let the band "Fräulein Schulze" do their magic and whisk you away with fine jazz standards, beautiful evergreens and genuine classics and dance until the early hours in the Rapunzel Club. On Sunday, Elle and Kapelle will be serving "chocolate hits fresh from the plantation" - with a chocolate tasting event.
Nepo Fitz
Elle & Kapelle
Fräulein Schulze Jazz Quartet
Cake for breakfast
Adi Hauke
DJ Deejay OS
DJ Luca Riccobono
Barrel organ player Jürgen Laufer
Walking Act
Lautrach music band
Morning pint
Kimratshofen music band
Allgäu morning pint
Turkish soundscapes
Musical journey
Wild Chucks
Walking Act
Children’s program
Rapunzel once again offers lots of fun and games for children of all ages. Highlights include the historic chain carousel, tower climbing, a musical bubble show and handicrafts in Rapunzel World.
The children’s band Jamuk will provide the right musical atmosphere. What is Erwin doing in the strawberry field or why does Mr Lauch have such red cheeks? You can sing along to the answers.
Dekoratives Bild
Tower climbing
Soap bubbles show
Chain carousel
Children's crafts
Even more Highlights
Miniramp Contest 'Best Trick'
By and with Managing Director Leonhard Wilhelm
RAPUNZEL One World Organic Foundation
Project presentations / meet & greet
Anna Ehrenreich
Aerial artist
Fair trade and organic farming are central for Rapunzel
Useful Links
Rapunzel News
Rapunzel Products
Rapunzel Recipes
Foreign Distributors
We distribute our products around the world - our local partners are happy to help you.
Rapunzel Naturkost
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