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Organic-Fair Farming HAND IN HAND-donation HAND IN HAND-FUND Overview

HAND IN HAND FUND – funded projects 2005

Update: Since 2022, Rapunzel donates the HAND IN HAND donation (previously HAND IN HAND Fund) to the RAPUNZEL One World Organic Foundation.

In 2005, we sponsored 13 projects with more than 44,000 EUR in the countries of origin of our HAND IN HAND raw materials.

The project of the Dhamma Vijaya Community Development Foundation in Sri Lanka was supported with the proceeds from the Rapunzel Festival. Aid money for the reconstruction following the Tsunami in Sri Lanka was equally financed by employee donations and by Rapunzel. 

The donations went to the following projects:

Funded projects 2005

Project Country Description Funding amount
Association for the Cultural Development in Egypt Inc. Egypt Support of the Sekem Summer School 1,500 EUR
Patuca e.V. Honduras Follow-up support from the year 2004: sustainable community development in the Patuca National Park 3,000 EUR
Planeta Verde Ltda Brazil Co-funding of university training for young people who work in organic agriculture 3,000 EUR
Planeta Verde Ltda Brazil Construction of a youth campground that is used as training center for education in organic agriculture. 4,000 EUR
Pipe borne drinking water project Sri Lanka Clean drinking water supply to the people of the village of Indulgodakande 4,000 EUR
Andreba irrigation self help group Kenia Construction of water supply system for drinking water and for agricultural irrigation 3,000 EUR
Trees for the world e.V. Namibia Afforestation and construction of tree nurseries combined with educative training classes on the importance of trees 3,000 EUR
Fundasur Dominican Republic Construction and/or repair of two road sections that connect
communities with local markets and that provide infrastructure (e.g. access to doctors).
3,000 EUR
Growth Project Kenia Support of the Mwihoko Women Group for constructing tree nurseries. The goal of this initiative is to avoid deforestation and to secure the supply of firewood. 4,000 EUR
Ometepe Nicaragua Development of a station for organic agriculture and organic
supermarkets on an island in order to secure an independent supply with healthy food.
3,000 EUR
Hekima Girls' Secondary School Tanzania Follow-up funding of the project from 2003 & 2004: equipping the Hekima Girls' School with furniture and school materials. 3,000 EUR
Dhamma Vijaya Community Development Foundation Sri Lanka Building of an extension to the daycare for teenage mothers and their children. 3,721 EUR
Tsunami-Hilfe Sri Lanka Rebuilding of houses 5,970 EUR

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