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Organic-Fair Farming HAND IN HAND-donation HAND IN HAND-FUND Overview

HAND IN HAND FUND – funded projects 2007

Update: Since 2022, Rapunzel donates the HAND IN HAND donation (previously HAND IN HAND Fund) to the RAPUNZEL One World Organic Foundation.

In 2007 we sponsored six projects with a total sum of 25,500 EUR. 

The donations went to the following projects: 

Funded Projects 2007

Project Country Description Funding amount
GRD e.V.-Partner ACOREMA Peru Rebuilding of a sustainable fishery center in Pisco coordinated by the Association for the Protection of Dolphins 3,000 EUR
KoBra- Waldportal Kooperation Brasilien e.V. Germany The first German internet platform for rainforest protection 3,000 EUR
Kisanga-Verein zur Unterstützung Mutter-Kind-Projekt Kisangani Congo  Financial assistance for the reconstruction of a destroyed community center 3,000 EUR
Global Nature Fund für CReNIEO India  Support for an environmental training center with mangrove nursery near Pulicat Lake 6,500 EUR
UPSAC-Up-Country Social Action Center Sri Lanka 30 organic pioneers from three different regions were trained in organic cultivation techniques with the goal to pass on their newly acquired knowhow to their neighbors. 4,000 EUR
Hekima Girl’s Secondary School Tanzania Purchasing land for a school garden where students can grow their own organic corn 3,000 EUR

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