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Organic-Fair Farming HAND IN HAND-donation HAND IN HAND-FUND Overview

HAND IN HAND FUND – funded projects 2009

Update: Since 2022, Rapunzel donates the HAND IN HAND donation (previously HAND IN HAND Fund) to the RAPUNZEL One World Organic Foundation.

Rapunzel gives annual donations to the HAND IN HAND fund that is managed by the German Environmental Aid Assosciation (DUH). 

In 2009 we sponsored 12 projects with a total sum of 80,904 EUR. 
The donations went to the following projects:

Funded projects 2009

Project Country Description Funding amount
Pro Regenwald e.V. (Pro Rainforest Association) Costa Rica Development of an agroforest garden for the indigenous population 4,700 EUR
Global Nature Fund (GNF) - Asoc. Vivamos Mejor Guatemala Measures for the improvement of organic coffee cultivation 5,000 EUR
SEKEM Association Egypt Supporting integrated development in underdeveloped, rural regions 5,000 EUR 
People's agricultural Farm India Conservation of native seeds through local farmers 3,000 EUR 
Tropica Verde Costa Rica Poverty alleviation through installation of solar power 3,000 EUR 
SLAK ISC (International Solar Energy Research Center) Cameroon Education for sustainable development in the Monte Alto forest preserve 3,200 EUR 
GRD e.V. ACOREMA Peru Support of a dolphin protection project 6,860 EUR 
Asociación Pescado Azul Ecuador Support of a sustainable fishery micro project run by women 5,000 EUR
ARA e.V. - Waldportal Germany Development of the website 1,200 EUR 
eddr e.V.  (engagement
durable pour le
développement rural)    
Ivory Coast    Improvement of living conditions of coffee growers in the former rebel region Dix-huit Montagne and protection of regional biodiversity 5,000 EUR 
HEKIMA Girl's 
Secondary School
Tanzania Installation of sanitary facilities 33,944 EUR
ARA e.V. Brazil Support of the Diahoi Indians – cultivation and distribution of Brazil nuts 5,000 EUR

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