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Organic-Fair Farming HAND IN HAND-donation HAND IN HAND-FUND Overview

HAND IN HAND FUND – funded projects 2017

Update: Since 2022, Rapunzel donates the HAND IN HAND donation (previously HAND IN HAND Fund) to the RAPUNZEL One World Organic Foundation.

Rapunzel supports the HAND IN HAND fund with annual donations. The HAND IN HAND fund is administered by the German Environmental Aid (DUH) and Rapunzel.

In 2017, we funded 33 projects with a total sum of 171,856 €.
Our HAND IN HAND partners also received support from the HAND IN HAND fund. 

Funded projects 2017

Project Country Description Funding amount
Sekem for Land Reclamation (SLR) Egypt Protection of the Egyptian honey bee (Apis mellifera lamarckii) 5,000 EUR
Aktionsgemeinschaft Artenschutz (AGA) e.V. Namibia Farmer workshops/conflicts between man and wildlife/cheetahs 3,500 EUR
Southern Institute of Ecology (SIE) Vietnam Conservation and development of velvet tamarinde as a source of income 5,000 EUR
Gender Equality and Women Empowerment for Development (GWEFODE) Uganda Rain water storage and empowerment of women  5,000 EUR
afrisolar e.V. Ghana Nyakrom 2 - girls' dormitories 6,000 EUR
Hekima Girls' Secondary School Tanzania Repair of solar power plant 9,546.40 EUR
Wunschträume Netzwerk für Mädchen - und Frauenprojekte e.V. Burkina Faso Honey production in Pétéssiro 5,000 EUR
LOTUS Egypt Construction of a kindergarten in the village of Eraki 5,000 EUR
Cooperativa Manduvirá Ltda. Paraguay Sugar cane yield increase through better fungal analyses in arroyos and estuaries 5,000 EUR
Aktion Lebensträume e.V. China Production plant for traditional herbal medicine in  Pemadong, Tibet 5,000 EUR
Kaule e.V. Nepal Fruit and nut trees for agroforestry in Kaule 5,000 EUR
SENCAB e.V. Ghana Organic mango cultivation for women, fair trade marketing, Agomeda 800 EUR
Fundación Humedales Columbia Water disinfection through solar irradiation / Central Andes 4.610 EUR
Cooperativa Agraria Norandino Ltda Peru Emergency help (replacement of roofs, potable water) following El Niño in Alta Piura 10,000 EUR
Naturefund e.V. Malawi Afforestation with Raffia palms 5,000 EUR
ECOTOP Bolivia Optimization of cocoa quality (fermentation and drying) in Tucupi 5,000 EUR
OroVerde - Die Tropenwaldstiftung Guatemala Afforestation, environmental education 5,000 EUR
Serendipalm Foundation Ghana Preschool teacher training in newly founded Montessori kindergarten, Asuom 5,000 EUR
ACOREMA Peru Dolphin protection in Pisco, research and information 5,000 EUR
Log-Ikwo in Kamerun Nachhaltig e.V. Cameroon Photovoltaic plant for hospital station in the village of Ndog-kobe 5,000 EUR
CReNIEO India Organic millet and vegetable farming (phase II), Yercaud Hills 5,000 EUR
Vorbachmühle Weikersheim e.V. Kenia Modernization of water technician training 5,000 EUR
Die Ofenmacher e.V. Nepal Distribution of smoke-free, fuel-conserving clay stoves in  Pyuthan 5,000 EUR
Log-Ikwo in Kamerun Nachhaltig e.V. Cameroon Installation of a solar power plant/photovoltaic plant on girls' orphan home in Ndom 5,000 EUR
Nomadenhilfe e.V. Bhutan Multigeneration farm 5,000 EUR
Vorbachmühle Weikersheim e.V. Congo Installation of eco-toilets (Ecosan) on a market square  5,000 EUR
Cooperativa Mixta San Juancito Limitada (COMISAJUL) Honduras Training facility for the improvement and control of coffee quality 5,000 EUR
Log-Ikwo in Kamerun Nachhaltig e.V. Cameroon Solar water pump in Lok-Ikwo, Cameroon 5,000 EUR
ACTNGONO Tanzania Micro credits for grandmothers in charge of parenting and education 4,500 EUR
Jugend-Bildung-Hilfe in Bolivien e.V. Bolivia Humus production with mit Terra Preta, Cajamarca 3,700 EUR
Coopérative Yiwalo Burkina Faso Training for organic mango cultivation 5,000 EUR
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Regenwald und Artenschutz (ARA) e.V. Congo Income maintenance through agriculture for refugees 10,000 EUR
Global Nature Fund (GNF) Columbia Bee protection on the Tota Lake 4,200 EUR

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