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Organic-Fair Farming HAND IN HAND-donation HAND IN HAND-FUND Overview

HAND IN HAND Fund – funded projects 2018

Update: Since 2022, Rapunzel donates the HAND IN HAND donation (previously HAND IN HAND Fund) to the RAPUNZEL One World Organic Foundation.

Rapunzel supports the HAND IN HAND fund that is administered by the German Environmental Aid (DUH) with annual donations.

In 2018 we could support 32 projects with a total sum of 159,200 €.
Our HAND IN HAND partners also receive money from the fund for their individual projects.

Funded Projects 2018

Project Country Description Funded sum
HOPE India Health training and support for tribal women, Andhra Pradesh 4,200 EUR
Youth for Environment & Sustainable Development (YSD) Malawi Environmental education for the protection of natural resources and for organic agriculture 5,000 EUR
Global Nature Fund (GNF) Malawi Organic agriculture for peasant farmers, Mangocha District 8,000 EUR
End Poverty India Fruit trees for peasants, Rajasthan 5,000 EUR
Kisanga e.V.  Congo Organic agriculture/extension of the kitchen/training, Kisangani 5,000 EUR
OTEPIC Kenia Foundation of a seed bank, Kitale 5,000 EUR
Women's Organisation for Rural Development (WORD) India Organic gardening for female peasants, Tamil Nadu 5,000 EUR
Life -Giving Forest e.V.  Philippines Help for self-help in organic farming, creation of a sustainable income 5,000 EUR
IDEP Foundation Indonesia Agroforest project, Western Bali 7,000 EUR
Technik ohne Grenzen e.V.  India Toranam - agroforest, environmental education and green energy in Southern India 5,000 EUR
Biovision Kenia Push pull program - cultivation method that enhances the output of corn and millet 5,000 EUR
Die Ofenmacher e.V.  Nepal Construction of economical clay ovens in Arghakhachie 5,000 EUR
SOCEO gGmbH Congo Establishing sustainable ways of income through entrepreneurship in Uvira 5,000 EUR
Hekima Girls` Secondary School Tanzania Restauration of classroom and schoolrooms  7,500 EUR
Timbaktu Collective India Timbaktu organic garden at "Nature School" 5,000 EUR
Flüchtlingshilfe Mittelamerika e.V. El Salvador Protection of the last great tropical dry forest in El Salvador 4,500 EUR
Sekem for Land Reclamation (SLR) Egypt Sustainable (re) forestation project 5,000 EUR
Street Child Deutschland e.V.  Nepal Future perspective for girls from the Musahar tribe 5,000 EUR
Women and Children Protection WCP Congo Establishment of medicinal plants, school gardens and a school cafeteria in Eastern Congo 5,000 EUR
Liga für Hirtenvölker und nachhaltige Viehwirtschaft e.V. India Capacity building for camel nomads with respect to hygenic production and marketing of camel milk  5,000 EUR
Global Nature Fund (GNF) Benin Mangrove and manati protection 5,000 EUR
Human Rights Disability and Development Organisation HDDO Uganda Procurement of goats used as source of income for families with handicapped family members 4,600 EUR
STEPPENKIND/InitiativGruppe e.V. Mongolia Conservation and further expansion of vegetable plantation in Khalium Sun 3,000 EUR
Elephant-Human Relationship (EHRA) Namibia Construction of an education center for the protection of elephants 5,000 EUR
Naturefund e.V.  Malawi Reforestation in the Raffia Palm Valley with peasant families 5,000 EUR
LOVE FOR LIFE e.V.  Costa Rica Imagine Light, access to clean energy for the indigenous Cabécar people in the rainforest 5,000 EUR
Alternatives Durables pour le Développement (ADD) Cameroon Training program for women in organic agriculture 5,000 EUR
Weltweit e.V. Sierra Leone Pilot project village electrification with photovoltaic 4,000 EUR
ACOREMA Peru Use of local dolphins as partners against plastic contamination 5,000 EUR
Tropica Verde e.V. Costa Rica Colors of identity - biodiversity and environmental training 5,000 EUR
Pumamaqui e.V. Ecuador Reforestation of the Wayuri Palm 4,500 EUR
Life Giving Forest e.V.  Philippines Emergency help after storm damage in Mangkhut/Ompong 2,000 EUR

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