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Organic-Fair Farming HAND IN HAND-donation HAND IN HAND-FUND Overview

More than two million Euro for eco-social projects

In 2021, the HAND IN HAND fund surpassed the two million Euro mark since its initiation

Update: Since 2022, Rapunzel donates the HAND IN HAND donation (previously HAND IN HAND Fund) to the RAPUNZEL One World Organic Foundation.

From Haiti to Congo and the Philippines: the HAND IN HAND fund supports 45 eco-social projects with a total of 217,600 Euro in 2021. With the fund, the organic pioneer Rapunzel Naturkost GmbH and the German Environmental Aid (DUH) jointly support projects in Africa, South and Central America and in Asia. 

The recently approved projects focus on climate change issues, organic peasant farming , bee keeping and solar energy. But also educational activities for marginalized groups, the establishment of microcredit systems and the promotion of biodiversity can be found among the funded projects.
The HAND IN HAND fund has been existing since 1998 as a joint initiative of Rapunzel Naturkost and the German Environmental Aid (DUH). The fund developed from Rapunzel's fair-trade HAND IN HAND program. Until today, the organic food pioneer donates most of the fund money.

In the meantime, the HAND IN HAND fund now looks back on more than 20 successful years. Since the fund was initiated, more than 2 million Euro went to 468 projects in 64 different countries.


Projects of hope

Climate resilience: future-proof organic agriculture in the municipality, Malawi

Most of the people in Malawi rely on small-scale, self-sufficient farming. But their livelihoods are threatened by extreme weather events due to climate change and the dependance on international seed companies.

In the district of Mazdi (central Malawi) the NGO Youth for Environment and Sustainable Development (YSD) cooperates with community members in the establishment of five demonstration farms. There, about one hundred peasants receive training in organic agriculture. The project focuses on farming methods that are resilient to climate change and on high-quality, traditional seeds. The HAND IN HAND fund finances the training methods with 5,000 Euro. 

Rainforest: beekeeping provides income and protects ecosystems, Bolivia

The Italian AVEPROBI organization supports beekeepers from indigenous farming communities in the Amazon Basin against rainforest overexploitation. The project combines income generation with species and forest protection. At the same time, the beekeeping is part of a bigger program that supports sustainable forest use and organic agriculture. The HAND IN HAND fund supports the training and the purchase of beekeeping equipment with 5,000 Euro.  

Promotion of women: access to distance learning for marginalized girls, Nepal

Street Child Deutschland e.V. facilitates access to education for children in the poorest regions of the world. For girls from the disadvantaged Musahar population in Nepal, education is the only possibility to free themselves from lifelong debt bondage. During the Covid pandemic, the NGO established cost-effective distance learning via bluetooth speakers in order to guarantee continued teaching. Subsequently, the girls are integrated in local schools and are supported during their first steps into employment. The HAND IN HAND fund supports this project with 5,000 Euro.

Funded projects 2021

Project Country Description Funded sum
AVEPROBI Bolivia Supporting young beekeepers as a contribution to rainforest protection 5,000 EUR
Meli Bees Network gUG Brazil Protection of the native  Amazon bees 5,000 EUR
LOVE FOR LIFE e.V. Costa Rica Covid crisis aid for the Mitume slums 5,000 EUR
action five e.V. Haiti Organic vegetable and fruit cultivation  5,000 EUR
YSD Malawi Climate resilient organic agriculture in the Madzi municipality 5,000 EUR
Sister of St. Therese of the Child Jesus Tanzania Organic farming for Hekima Girls School food security  8,400 EUR
Sister of St. Therese of the Child Jesus Tanzania Cultivation of organic sunflowers for food security of female students  5,000 EUR
Partnerschaftsverein Hamburg-Iguazú e.V. Argentina Installation of a photovoltaic plant in the Capiovi technical college 2,400 EUR
Faso Solidarität e.V. Burkina Faso Cereal mill for Fatin village  5,000 EUR
Turtle Foundation Cape Verde Protection of sea turtles: maintenance of the Boa Esperanca beach camp 5,000 EUR
Street Child Deutschland e.V. Nepal Access to distance learning for 300 Musahar girls 5,000 EUR
REAP Uganda Apiculture: training and income generation 5,000 EUR
Freundeskreis Inti Ayllus Bolivienhilfe e.V. Bolivia Photovoltaic plant for farmers in Ayopaya 5,000 EUR
Aktion Lebensträume e.V. China Financing yaks for nuns from the Thoesamling Monastary (Tibet) 5,000 EUR
OPDE Congo Solar power for the „La Charité“ rooming house in the town of Uvira 3,800 EUR
Little Hope e.V. Nepal Long-term income through organic vegetable farming 5,000 EUR
Eine-Welt-Haus e.V. Nicaragua Alternatives for food production and food security in the wake of hurricanes 5,000 EUR
inner vision e.V. Philippines Introduction of the Natural Farming System (NFS) 5,000 EUR
IRUDI Uganda Coastal protection through bamboo plantations, Kuruhe river 1,100 EUR
Group of Refugees Without Voice South Africa Income generation for displaced women 5,000 EUR
AVEPROBI Bolivia Supporting young beekeepers as a contribution to rainforest protection 5,000 EUR
Meli Bees Network gUG Brazil
  Protection of the native  Amazon bees
5,000 EUR
LOVE FOR LIFE e.V. Costa Rica Covid crisis support for the Mitume slums 5,000 EUR
action five e.V. Haiti Organic vegetable and fruit cultivation  5,000 EUR
YSD Malawi Climate resilient organic agriculture in the Madzi community 5,000 EUR
Sister of St. Therese of the Child Jesus Tanzania Organic cultivation securing the food supply of Hekima Girls School 8,400 EUR
Sister of St. Therese of the Child Jesus Tanzania Organic sunflower cultivation securing the food supply of Hekima Girls School 5,000 EUR
Partnerschaftsverein Hamburg-Iguazú e.V. Argentina Installation of a photovoltaic plant in the Capiovi College of Applied Sciences 2,400 EUR
Faso Solidarität e.V. Burkina Faso Cereal mill for the Fatin village 5,000 EUR
Turtle Foundation Cape Verde Protection of sea turtles: maintenance of the Boa Esperanca beach camp 5,000 EUR
Street Child Deutschland e.V. Nepal Access to distance learning for 300 Musahar girls 5,000 EUR
REAP Uganda Apiary: training and income generation 5,000 EUR
Freundeskreis Inti Ayllus Bolivienhilfe e.V. Bolivia Photovoltaic plants for farmers in Ayopaya 5,000 EUR
Aktion Lebensträume e.V. China Financing yaks for nuns from the Thoesamling Monastary (Tibet) 5,000 EUR
OPDE DR Congo Solar power for the „La Charité“ rooming house in the town of Uvira 3,800 EUR
Little Hope e.V. Nepal Long-term income generation through organic vegetable farming  5,000 EUR
Eine-Welt-Haus e.V. Nicaragua Alternatives for food production and food supply security in the wake of hurricanes 5,000 EUR
inner vision e.V. Philippines Introduction of the Natural Farming System (NFS) 5,000 EUR
IRUDI Uganda Coastal protection through bamboo plantations, Kuruhe river 1,100 EUR
Group of Refugees Without Voice South Africa Income generation for displaced women 5,000 EUR
Burkinature SARL Burkina Faso Continuation of fruit fly control 4,600 EUR
Rhein-Donau-Stiftung e.V. Guatemala Implementation of the IJA qualified job program  3,500 EUR
Rhein-Donau-Stiftung e.V. Peru Reforestation and protection of the water supply of 300 peasants 3,500 EUR
Herrnhuter Missionshilfe e.V. Sambia Extension of a solar power plant and implementation of a practical teaching unit at the Ndola Vocational School  5,000 EUR
AWARE Germany e.V. Zimbabwe Mobile solar power supply for rangers in the Chipinge Reserve 5,000 EUR
Charité Togo e.V. Togo Installation of a drinking water well in the Blagba village  5,000 EUR
GWEFODE Uganda Rain water storage for a a secure access to water and sanitary facility 5,000 EUR
Visions for Children e.V. Afghanistan Sanitar and WASH project at the Khoja Mohammad Parsa Elementary School 5,000 EUR
Global Nature Fund (GNF) Angola Restoratiob of alluvial forest in the Okavango Delta 5,000 EUR
Coopérative Yiwalo Burkina Faso Training in improved mango cultivation methods as an adapation to climate change  5,000 EUR
OTEPIC Kenia Theory and implementation of natural water retention systems  5,000 EUR
AGA e.V. Madagascar Building of a school and measures for turle protection 5,000 EUR
Steppenkind e.V. Mongolia Expansion of farming area with gooseberry bushes 5,000 EUR
Weltweit e.V. Pakistan Support for olive tree cultivation 5,000 EUR
African People & Wildlife Tanzania Bee-keeping for Massai women 5,000 EUR
Association of Women Development Actors/AWODA Uganda Menstruation hygiene, water supply and toilets for an elementary school 5,000 EUR
YWISD Uganda Water tanks and water filter for an elementary school 3,000 EUR
APA-TO Brazil Enforcing the rights of indigenous Quilombo communities in Jalapão  5,000 EUR
SOL India Small peasant, climate resilient agriculture in Northern India 5,000 EUR
LIMBUA Group Limited Kenia Income protection for peasants and laborers with the cultivation of organic coffee   5,000 EUR
Remote Energy Kenia 5 basic solar technology courses for women 5,000 EUR
FOWACE Liberia Web schooling for income generation for abused women 4,800 EUR
EHRA Namibia Human-wildlife confict: elephants in Namibia 5,000 EUR
Cooperativa Manduvirá Ltda Paraguay Expansion of a microbial soil laboratory 5,000 EUR
kommTOGOgehweiter e.V. Togo Professionalization of food processing start-ups: lemon grass tea  

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