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Fair organic palm oil
Rapunzel among the forerunners for sustainable palm oil
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Product knowledge hemp
The resurrection of an ancient crop
Product Knowledge Hemp
Hemp from Austria
For thousands of years hemp was an important and versatile commodity - that was used for sails, ropes, clothing or paper. The demise of hemp began in modern times: steam boats replaced sailing boats, artificial fibers spread with industrial applications - and many countries finally prohibited hemp because of a by-product from the hemp flower: intoxicating THC.
Due to this psychoactive substance, hemp cultivation was prohibited in Germany from 1982 until 1996 regardless of its use. Today, the industrial hemp cultivation is permitted again under strict conditions. There is good reason: not only the industry starts to re-discover hemp again for example as insulating material in the automotive indsutry. But also in organic agriculture industrial hemp gains recognition as a crop for high-quality, nutrient-rich foods.
Hanf (Gattung Cannabis), ein ferner Verwandter des Hopfens, ist eine einjährige Pflanze. Seine schlanken, rohrartigen Stiele tragen die symbolträchtigen gefingerten Blätter. Die Blüten verströmen auch bei den THC-armen Sorten ihren aromatischen Duft. Ursprünglich ist Hanf eine zweihäusige Pflanze, das heißt, es existieren weibliche und männliche Pflanzen. Inzwischen gibt es auch einhäusigen Hanf. Die Pflanze trägt dann weibliche und männliche Blüten gleichzeitig.
Heimat der Hanfpflanze waren mutmaßlich die Steppenlandschaften Zentralasiens. Von dort aus breitete sie sich schon früh in andere Regionen Asiens und bis nach Europa aus. Mit der Kolonisierung Amerikas brachten Europäer den Hanf auch in die Neue Welt.
Der Hanf in voller Blüte. Die weiblichen Pflanzen dieser einhäusigen Sorte trägt auch männliche Blüten.
Der Hanf in voller Blüte. Die weiblichen Pflanzen dieser einhäusigen Sorte trägt auch männliche Blüten.
Hemp in full bloom. The female plants of this monoecious variety also bear male flowers.
Hemp in full bloom. The female plants of this monoecious variety also bear male flowers.
Hemp (Cannabis species) is remotely related to hops and is an annual plant. Its slender, tube-like stems carry the finger-shaped, iconic leaves. The flowers have an aromatic scent that is also typical for low THC varieties. Originally, hemp was a dioecious plant with separate female and male plants. Today, hemp is also available as monoecious variety with female and male flowers on the same plant.
Presumably, hemp was native to the Central Asian steppe landscapes. From there it spread early on to other Asian regions and to Europe. With the colonization of America, the Europeans brought hemp also into the New World.
Due to its psychoactive tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) substance, hemp is subject to the narcotic law. In the 20th century, low THC varieties were bred. Today, these varieties are cultivated as industrial hemp. Industrial hemp must comply with certain limit values. Although hemp seeds - the starting product for hemp foods - do not contain any cannabinoids, hemp food products nevertheless must comply with a limit value, because a contamination with THC from the plant is theoretically possible during processing. In the EU, the THC content for hemp food products must be below 0.2 percent.
Today, everybody is talking about another active substance of the hemp plant: cannabidiol (CBD) that is used therapeutically because of its analgesic effects. Industrial hemp that is used for the food production has only negligible amounts of CBD. The prerequisite for hemp cultivation in all countries is the compliance with the respective THC limit values.
Carefree cultivation
Industrial hemp is a gratifying crop. Industrial hemp is undemanding and low maintenance and controls weed growth due to its dense and fast growth. Hemp has a 3 m deep root system.
The strong roots supply the plants well also during dry periods and loosen the soil - making hemp a valuable plant for rop rotation. The straw of wilted hemp plants also makes excellent fertilizer.
Industrial hemp is sown in April or May and the seeds are harvested in September. During its growth, hemp requires little attention. if it gets sufficient warmth, it may quickly grow to heights of up to 4 m.
Until harvest, these hemp plants may grow up to 4.5 m
Until harvest, these hemp plants may grow up to 4.5 m
Valuable food
Hemp seeds have a fine, nutty flavor and they are an excellent source of polyunsaturated fatty acids that are essential for human life.
In addition, the seeds feature important nutrients such as magnesium, iron and zinc and they are especially rich in vegetable protein. Products manufactured with hemp seeds have therefore a similarly high quality.
Partially de-oiled hemp flour is made through careful grinding of the seeds. This way, the valuable hemp ingredients are quickly available for the body.
Compared to other edible oils, hemp seed oil has a particularly high content of triple unsaturated alpha-linolenic acid.
Hemp oil is made from hemp seeds. The small grains are also popular as snack or topping.
Hemp oil is made from hemp seeds. The small grains are also popular as snack or topping.
Our products with hemp
OXYGUARD® Omega 3-6-9 oil virgin
OXYGUARD® Hempseed oil virgin
Fruit bar protein power
Muesli-Snack hemp-fruit
Hemp flour
Hemp seeds peeled
Hemp muesli
Porridge Omega
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